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Passive Voice

  Passive Voice The passive vs the active voice: The Active Voice The Passive Voice Most countries in Latin America speak Spanish. Spanish is spoken in most countries in latin America. Use of the passive voice: Passive voice is used when the  focus is on the action . It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example:  "A letter was written." The focus, here, is on the fact that a letter was written. We don't know, however, who wrote it. Sometimes a statement in passive is more  polite  than active voice, as the following example shows: Example:  A vase was broken. Focus, here, is on the fact that a vase was broken, but we don't blame anyone. Compare this to: "You broke the vase." Form of the passive voice: Subject + the appropriate form of  to be  + Past Participle NOTE: The appropriate form of  to be  = To be is put in the the tense of the active voice main verb. When rewriting active sentences in ...

type 3 conditionals

  Type 3 Conditional Type 3 conditional sentences , are truly  hypothetical  or  unreal.  In these sentences, the time is past, and the situation is contrary to reality. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. 1. Form In a Type 3 conditional sentence, the tense in the  ‘if’  clause is the  past perfect , and the tense in the main clause is the  perfect conditional : If it had rainedyou would have got wet ‘IF’ CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If + past perfect Perfect conditional If you had worked harder you would have passed the exam. Perfect conditional – form The perfect conditional of any verb is composed of two elements:  would  + the perfect infinitive of the main verb (= have + past participle): Subject would perfect infinitive He They would would have gone… have stayed… Affirmative I would have believed … Negative She wouldn’t have given… Interrogative Would you have left…? Interrogative negat...