Cause and Effect

 The term cause and effect is a term you've heard since elementary school, but its use can be used up to the world of work. Sentences that contain elements of cause and effect usually involve an activity that makes something happen, and the result of that activity.

To better understand the use of causal sentences in English, consider the explanation below:


. (noun) someone or something that makes things happen.

The cause of the flood was the massive of amount garbage thrown in the river. (The cause of the flood was the large amount of garbage dumped into the river.)

. (verb) an activity that makes something happen.

The massive amount of garbage thrown in the river caused the flood. (The large amount of garbage dumped into the river caused this flood.)


. (noun) a change which is the result of an activity or cause.

The rain had an effect on her mood. (Rain has an effect on his mood.)


When effect is used as a verb it changes to affect.

. (verb) to produce an effect; cause something to happen.

The rain affected his mood. (Rain affects his mood.)

Cause and Effect Sentences in English

You can usually easily identify sentences that have a cause-and-effect relationship if they contain words or phrases such as:

  • Due to
  • Because of
  • Owing to
  • Thanks to
  • As a consequence of
  • As a result of
  • Because
  • Since
  • As
  • For
  • etc.

For cause and effect expressions in English, the sentences or phrases above will usually follow a noun or verb.

A cause-and-effect sentence followed by a noun

  • Because of
  • Thanks to
  • As a result of
  • Due to
  • As a consequence of
  • Owing to

Causal words that are followed by a noun or noun phrase usually use a word or phrase (signal word / phase) such as:

In the next example the noun or noun phrase will be underlined. Cause or cause is always written after the causal phrase (signal word / phase) like the example above. Below are common patterns:

Signal word / phrase + Cause + Effect


Effect + signal word / phrase + cause


1. Because Bella is nervous, she doesn't pass the driving test.

Because of Bella's nervousness, she doesn't pass her driving test.

Signal phrase: because

Cause: Bella is nervous

Effect: He doesn't pass the driving test

2. He is always late due to his playing habits

He's always late because of his gaming habits.

Signal phrase: Because

Cause: His playing habits

Effect: He's always late

3. Due to the rain, we canceled outings.

Because of the rain, we canceled the picnic.

Signal phrase: As a result of

Cause: rain

Effect: we canceled outings

4. Dennis can't sing because of his sore throat

Dennis couldn't sing because of his sore throat

Signal phrase: because

Cause: sore throat

Effect: Dennis can't sing

5. He was dismissed as a result of ignorance

He was dismissed for his ignorance.

Signal phrase: as a consequence of

Cause: ignorance

Effect: He was fired

Causal sentence followed by a verb

Causal words followed by a subject + verb or verb phrase usually use a word or phrase (signal word / phase) such as:





In the next example the subject + verb or verb phrase will be underlined. Cause or cause is always written after the causal phrase (signal word / phase) as in the example above. Below are common patterns:

Signal word / phrase + Cause + Effect


Effect + Signal word / phrase + Cause


1. Because Bella was nervous, she did not pass the driving test

Because Bella is nervous, she doesn't pass the driving test.

Signal phrase: because

Cause: Bella was nervous

Effect: She did not pass the driving test

2. He's always late because he always stay up at night

He's always late because he's always staying up late

Signal phrase: Because

Cause: he always stay up at night

Effect: He's always late

3. The outing was canceled since it's raining

The picnic was canceled due to rain.

Signal phrase: since

Cause: it's raining

Effect: the outing was canceled

4. Dennis could not sing for his throat is afternoon

Dennis couldn't sing because of his sore throat

Signal phrase: for

Cause: his throat is afternoon

Effect: Dennis could not sing

5. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance

He was dismissed for his ignorance.

Signal phrase: as a consequence of

Cause: her ignorance

Effect: She was dismissed

and this is a youtube link about cause and effect :
